Spain: section of N-121-C in Navarra to be closed to HGV traffic for 5 years
The decision has been announced by the government of the Navarra autonomous province. The ban will apply to HGVs with 4 or more axes on the south-bound section of the N-121-C road (Tudela-Tarazona), between the junction with A-68 in Tudela and the junction with AP-68.
As part of the measure adopted by the authorities of Navarra, there will be a new access route connecting A-68 with the A-15 motorway, which will enable traffic in the direction of Logroño along the AP-68 motorway. The use of the alternative route, which is faster and safer than the present one via N-121-C, will be free of charge by virtue of an agreement with Audenasa, the operator of AP-15, which is estimated to cost 802000 euro by 2029.
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